Whether you have a missing filling, a painful tooth or any other dental problem our friendly team are here to help. We offer a full range of general dental treatments including white fillings, crowns, bridges and many more.
White fillings are made from a tooth-coloured material that restores the appearance of a previously filled tooth, filling the gap in your teeth whilst giving your teeth a natural look.
Using composite is a completely safe procedure, it can be used for new fillings or to replace any old metal fillings.
A denture mimics the look of teeth and gums to give your mouth a natural appearance. At Blurton Dental Centre we provide bespoke dentures that are constructed using the latest modern techniques, technology, and materials.
Correctly fitted dentures are designed to restore both your natural smile and your lip support, therefore avoiding that ‘sunken face’ look that can appear following the loss of your teeth.
Dentures are removable for cleaning, and our professional hygienist can show you how to best take care of your denture and gums. As always it is important that you take extra care in your hygiene routine to avoid tooth decay and gum disease.
Certain Dental procedure require an additional level of understanding and training. These specialties can only be practiced by dentists who are fully qualified to do so. If we are unable to perform the necessary procedure we will refer you to a local relevant specialist.
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